
Discover the new tpg network map

Plan de réseau
Dernière modification le 14.11.2022

tpg and the main public transport companies active in Geneva, Lausanne, Nyon and Morges, with the collaboration of architect and designer Jug Cerovic, worked for more than 10 months on the development of this project. The objective was to harmonize the network maps of public transport stakeholders in Greater Geneva and to facilitate the use of public transport in the Lake Geneva region. From now on, the network maps of the Lake Geneva region share the same codes and the same design. The network map for the Geneva region is now available to our customers.

Genève Plan de réseau diurne

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For the first time, the various public transport operators in the Lake Geneva region have joined forces to design network maps for the different regions according to the same logic of representation, thus ensuring continuity and coherence between the maps. The new network maps of Transports publics genevois (tpg), Transports publics de la région nyonnaise (TPN), Chemin de fer Nyon – St-Cergue – Morez (NStCM), Transports de la région Morges Bière Cossonay (MBC) and Transports publics de la région lausannoise (tl) now allow their customers to travel more easily. Whether you are traveling to Geneva, Nyon, Morges or Lausanne, you now have maps with a common nomenclature and an identical graphic charter at your disposal.

aumi plan de reseau arc lemanique

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The artist behind this realization

It was the architect and map creator, Jug Cerovic, who allowed this standardization through collaborative work with the project teams of the different operators, which lasted 10 months. Jug Cerovic is recognized in his work for having realized in the past the network maps of Luxembourg, the schematic map of Seoul or the orientation systems of Barcelona and Dubai. We give you here in pictures a return on the development of the project.